Young Musicians Summer Camp
Kramer's School of Music is a day camp for aspiring young musicians where they can explore their musical knowledge and ability through different classes, plays and presentations provided by the school's professionals. Students of all levels are welcomed! Students will be broken into groups based on their age.
First half of the day will be filled with core classes. During the second half, the campers will participate in a variety of electives such as group piano, group strings, drum circle, group guitar, group woodwinds, improvisation, and lots more.

Location: Eden Prairie & Plymouth
Duration: 9:00am-1:00pm (Half Day) -OR- 9:00am-4:00 pm (Full Day)
Cost: $650 for full day and $375 for half day (Prices per session)
2025 Dates:
Session 1: June 23-27th
Session 2: July 28th-August 1st
Lunch and Snacks: Should be brought from home.
9:00-10:00 am - Eurythmics/Singing/Playing Orff Instruments
10:00-11:00 am - Music Theory
11:00-11:20 am - Snack Time/Break
11:20-12:30 pm - Music History
12:30-1:00 pm - Lunch Time (bring own lunch - non-perishable)
1:00 - 2:15 pm - Electives
2:15-2:30 pm - Break
2:30-4:00 pm - Electives